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Introduction: How to Install Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac for Free

Microsoft has put out the free download of Office 2016 for Mac public preview, without any Office 365 subscription required. The new software includes support for Retina displays, iCloud syncing, and looks like the versions of Office currently available on Windows and mobile.

May 11, 2019 What Microsoft does not allow, of course, is to activate the program for free: in practice, Microsoft allows you to download free Office for Mac, but then users, after having tried and tested for a short time, must purchase a regular license to continue using it. 2015-7-9  Today, we are taking a big step forward for Mac users—Office 2016 for Mac is now available in 139 countries and 16 languages. Based on feedback from the great Mac Office community, we’ve made major updates to each of the apps, and we couldn’t be more pleased to deliver it first to our Office. microsoft office multi user. Skip to main content. Eligible for Free Shipping. Free Shipping by Amazon. Microsoft Office 365 Home 1-year subscription, 5 users, PC/Mac Key Card. May 1, 2015 by Microsoft. 4.1 out of 5 stars 1,213. Software Currently unavailable. Office Accessibility Center - Resources for people with disabilities. Office 2016 Office for business Office 365 for home Office 2016 for Mac Office 365 operated by 21Vianet More. Office is committed to inclusive design and accessible products and content. We are constantly working to offer more to boost every user's productivity. Tip: I had to upgrade my OS X because you can't install Office for Mac with any version of OS X below 10.10. To see my tutorial on how to upgrade your OS X go here. I also had some internet interruptions on my initial download to my downloads folder and had a hard time opening the package because it did not download the full 2.6GB. Many Mac users are still unaware that you can install Windows 10 on Mac for free from Microsoft perfectly legally. Microsoft doesn’t actually require users to activate Windows 10 with a product key unless you want to customize the look of it.

You can begin the free download here.

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Step 1: Download the Install

Once you download the 2.6GB file to your downloads folder, click on the Office Preview Package to get started. You will be guided through the necessary steps to install this software.

Tip: I had to upgrade my OS X because you can't install Office for Mac with any version of OS X below 10.10. To see my tutorial on how to upgrade your OS X go here.

I also had some internet interruptions on my initial download to my downloads folder and had a hard time opening the package because it did not download the full 2.6GB. Make sure that you fully downloaded the package.

Microsoft Office 2016 For Mac Free Download Full Version in a single fast link. It is an offline installer of complete MS Office 2016 for Mac OS. Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, introduced by Microsoft. The new Microsoft Office for macOS includes updated versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook -and the moment you open any one of the apps, you'll immediately feel the difference. Microsoft for mac free.

Step 2: Read and Agree to Licensing Agreement

The software license agreement comes in many languages, this one in English. Once you read the agreement, you will have scrolled to the bottom. Click continue to agree.

Step 3: Agree to the License Agreement to Begin Installation

You will then be prompted to agree. Once you do you will select what users of your computer will have access to the software to select the destination for install. You will need 5.62GB of free space to install. Select and click continue.

Step 4: Install Office for Mac

I want all users of my computer to be able to access Office and made sure to have the available space. Now I am ready to install. I click install. I had to wait a few moments for the installation to complete. Then I was notified that the installation was successful. And my installation is complete.

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Applies to:Office for Mac, Office 2019 for Mac, Office 2016 for Mac

There are two basic ways that you, as an admin, can deploy Office for Mac to users in your organization:

  • Provide your users with the installer package file, and have them install Office for Mac for themselves

  • Download the installer package file to your local network, and then use your software distribution tools to deploy Office for Mac to your users

If you have an Office 365 plan, you can provide your users with instructions on how to download and install Office for Mac for themselves. To install Office for Mac, a user has to be administrator on the Mac or know an administrator account name and password.

But, if you deploy Office for Mac for your users, you have more control over the deployment, including which users get Office for Mac and when. To plan your deployment, review the following information.

Download Office for Mac to your local network

The easiest way to download Office for Mac, and ensure you're always getting the most current version and build, is to download directly from the Office Content Delivery Network (CDN) on the internet. Here are the links to the installer packages for the Office suite, which contains all the applications:

  • Office for Mac (for Office 365 plans)
  • Office 2019 for Mac (for retail or volume licensed versions)
  • Office 2016 for Mac (for retail or volume licensed versions)


Free Microsoft Office For Mac Users 2017

  • Installer and update packages for individual applications are also available on the Office CDN. For links to those, see Most current packages for Office for Mac.
  • The same installer package is used for Office for Mac and Office 2019 for Mac. How you activate the product determines whether you get the features for Office for Mac or the features for Office 2019 for Mac.
  • Unlike Office 2016 for Mac, the installer package for Office 2019 for Mac isn't available on the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).

Deploy Office for Mac to users in your organization

Office for Mac uses the Apple Installer technology for installation. That means you can use the software distribution tools that you normally use to deploy software to Mac users. Some of the most common tools are Jamf Pro, Munki, and AutoPkg. You can also use Apple Remote Desktop and AppleScript.


There are changes in Office for Mac to improve security, including implementing Apple app sandboxing guidelines. These changes mean that you can't customize the app bundle before or after you deploy Office. Don't add, change, or remove files in an app bundle. For example, even if you don't need the French language resource files for Excel, don't delete them. This change prevents Excel from starting. Even though you can't customize app bundles, you can configure preferences for each app.

Additional deployment information for Office for Mac

Whichever deployment method you decide to use, the following information can help you plan your Office for Mac deployment.

Download Office For Mac

  • What's new: Before you deploy, review the information about what's new for admins in Office for Mac. This includes information about system requirements, language support, and new features.

  • Side-by-side installation: You can't have Office 2016 for Mac and Office 2019 for Mac installed on the same computer. Also, you can't have Office for Mac (from an Office 365 plan) along with either Office 2016 for Mac or Office 2019 for Mac (both of which are one-time purchase versions) installed on the same computer.

  • Deploying individual apps: Installer package files for individual applications are available on the Office Content Delivery Network (CDN). For links to those, see Most current packages for Office for Mac.

  • Activation: To use Office for Mac, it needs to be activated. Before you deploy, review the information about how activation works in Office for Mac.

  • Uninstalling: If you need to uninstall Office for Mac, you can follow these steps to completely remove Office for Mac. Unfortunately, there is no program to uninstall Office for Mac automatically.

  • Office for Mac 2011: Support for Office for Mac 2011 ended on October 10, 2017. All of your Office for Mac 2011 apps will continue to function. But, you could expose yourself to serious and potentially harmful security risks. To completely remove Office for Mac 2011, follow these steps.

  • Upgrading to Office 2019 for Mac: If you're a volume licensed customer, you can upgrade to Office 2019 for Mac without uninstalling Office 2016 for Mac. You just need to download the 2019 version of the Volume License (VL) Serializer from the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) and deploy it to each computer running Office 2016 for Mac. If you need to go back to Office 2016 for Mac after you've upgraded, follow these steps.

  • Version numbers Version numbers of 16.17 or higher for retail or volume licensed installs indicate you have Office 2019 for Mac. Office 2016 for Mac has version numbers of 16.16 or lower. Since the 'major' version (16) hasn't changed between Office 2016 for Mac and Office 2019 for Mac, application settings, including policies, preferences, and preference domains are similar between the two versions. Also, add-ins and other extensibility solutions that are compatible with Office 2016 for Mac will most likely be compatible with Office 2019 for Mac or will require minimal testing.

Free Microsoft Office For Mac Users Manual

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