Change Month Microsoft Word Calendar Mac

  1. Change Month Microsoft Word Calendar Machine
  2. Change Month Microsoft Word Calendar Mac Os

The calendar view can be customized to display different day ranges, a mini calendar, and events from different categories.

2020 blank and printable Word Calendar Template. Ideal for use as a school calendar, church calendar, personal planner, scheduling reference, etc. All calendar templates are free, blank, printable and fully editable! All Calendar Word files are safe docx (macro-free). Also compatible with Microsoft Office for Mac (macOS) and Microsoft Office mobile for iPad/iOS. 2020 Calendar for Word, 1 page, months horizontally, each month in a different color. Word templates for 2020. 2018 2019 2021 2022.

  1. At the bottom of the navigation pane, click Calendar .

  2. Do any of the following:

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Do this

Display a single day, work week, full week, or whole month

On the Home tab, click the view that you want.

Go to the current day, week, or month

On the Home tab, click Today.

Display your events in a list

On the Organize tab, click List.

Show more or fewer hours in day or week view

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In Outlook 2016 for the Mac on the Organize tab, click the Time scale button.*Note: Grid view must be selected in order to use the Time Scale feature.

and then click the number of hours you want to show on the calendar.

Hide the mini calendar or expand it to show more months

In the navigation pane, click the divider between the mini calendar and the category list, and then drag the divider up or down.

Show or hide events by category

In the navigation pane, make sure that the category list is showing, and then select or clear the category checkboxes.

Show or hide entire calendars

In the navigation pane, select or clear the check boxes that are next to each calendar name.

Change Month Microsoft Word Calendar Machine


Change Month Microsoft Word Calendar Mac Os

  • To specify your calendar preferences — such as the days of your work week — on the Outlook menu, click Preferences, and then under Other, click Calendar.

  • You can click a day in the mini calendar to display that day in the main calendar view.